November 03, 2009

lil sweet things...

I loooove vintage ads... Wish i could find 'em and make a collage from 'em.

-make things, not war-

November 02, 2009

Oh my dear.....

Just like i wrote in my other blog here, i won ika's giveaway!!!!! You know, i was kinda hopeless when i joined the giveaway 'cause there were lotta person who entered first. And everyone throwed the perfect answer for the question "If you are a craft tool, what will you be?". The 1st thing i ever think if i were a craft tool, i would be a GLUE, but a lot of person want to be a glue. To make it a lil bit different, i wrote: my right hand would be a scissor and my left hand surely be the glue stick :).

Refers to the hopeless thingy, i didnt check and recheck who won the giveaway, till last Friday, ika herself was popping out in my gtalk and told me that I WON!!!!

F-Y-I (yess, i try to make all of you jealous :D), i will be the owner of one of these beautiful creature...

I cant imagine before that MONDAY could be such a great day :)

-make things, not war-

Oktober 06, 2009

When you dont find a way out, try to find a basement....

Collage on Paper, especially made for my best friend
-make things, not war-

Oktober 05, 2009

i flag you....

-make things, not war-

Agustus 10, 2009

suit your self, ladies...


Blank Card
Collages on paper (220 gr)
size A5

Materials: vintage map, vintage adv, indonesian 90's stamps, vintage papers, ribbons, buttons.

-make things, not war-

Agustus 07, 2009

Is it always illegal to KILL a woman?

Yes, it is always illegal,darling...

Daily Journal, Sketch Book, Note Book, What-so-ever...
Collages on Paper (Cover, 200 gr)
size: A5, aprox 30 pages
Materials: Sketch Books Lyra, vintage ads, vintage indonesian's stamps, ribbon, buttons, vintage book and paper.

-make things, not war-

#2. Bigger Than My Atlas

Dont worry darling...

Blank Card
Collages on Paper 220 gr
size: A5
Materials: vintage ads, vintage atlas, vintage paper, kuitansi, ribbons, buttons.

-make things, not war-

#1. Bigger Than My Atlas Series

I love you, bigger than Asia...

Blank Card
Collages on Paper, 220 gr
Material: vintage ads, vintage atlas, buku tulis halus, 'please sign' post-it, ribbons, buttons

-make things, not war-


This is my new project.
Project ini untuk mengakomodasi kecintaan saya terhadap seni, yang sejak bekerja sudah jarang diasah. Sejak kecil saya suka menggunting dan menempel, saya suka mengumpulkan tiket bioskop, tiket parkir, dan segala macamnya, sampai-sampai kamar saya lebih mirip tempat sampah daripada kamar seorang gadis... Dulu, saya senang memberi kartu buatan sendiri kepada teman, karena membuat dengan tangan sendiri adalah membuat dengan hati....

Karena itu, sepertinya tidak sulit untuk memulai lagi hasta karya yang mudah ini, dan daripada hanya menggantung dan menjadi hiasan di kamar saya, mending saya bagi-bagi kepada semua yang bersedia.

Selamat datang, silahkan lihat-lihat.

-make things, not war-